Reiki has its own Intelligence. Only thing we required is mindfulness, focuss on what we are healing and surrenderance to Reiki. We can heal the house using crystals, Rock salt, campour etc..with using the insane or dhoopstick how i do is, say gratitude, light dhoop stick,invoke white light draw all the usui symbols. If you are attuned to 3rd deg.
first draw master symbol follwed by other usui symbols with the dhoop stick on East wall. Draw power symbol only on other walls moving in clock wise direction to all the rooms, draw including ceiling and floor.If you are not attuned to 2nd deg.. Just put your hands on all the walls requesting Reiki to cleanse and heal it. Request the house to release the pain it is holding. As the Reiki energy flows through the area intend that all the anger , stress, and unwanted energies are washed out. Intend that all objects present in the house that u are healing is also energised with Reiki and is protected. Send white light surroundings of ur house and seal the house with power symbol. Do this every day or once in a week. Say thanks to Reiki and angels of the house. You can do it with intention also with out using any instruments and with out walking around, jusut by visualisation only.
.............. ......Reiki Bless You......................
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